All That I Need (Grayson Friends) Read online

Page 19

  “Oh no. Miss Marshall was looking forward to eating at home. I’ll walk you through everything.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You’re going to grill the meat and vegetables and finish the garnish on the cheesecake.”

  The phone fell from Lance’s hand. He simply stared at it.

  * * *

  Fallon read over the article she was writing again, deemed it darn good, and saved it to her file. Stretching her arms over her head, she worked her shoulders. The piece was solid and should please the exacting editor who had been on tour with Fallon when she learned she was pregnant.

  Fallon glanced down and rubbed her stomach. It was still hard to believe that she had a life growing in her that she and Lance had created. Megan was suspicious of Lance already. If she knew that Fallon was pregnant, Megan might really “send somebody” to teach him a lesson.

  With Megan, it was hard to tell if she was serious or if it was another example of her droll humor. At least her mother seemed willing to give Lance the benefit of the doubt. All bets would be off, however, when she and Megan learned that Fallon was pregnant and no wedding was planned. And there wouldn’t be unless Lance told her he loved her. It was all or nothing.

  Her stomach grumbled, causing her to glance at the clock. She blinked and came out of her chair. Five thirteen. They’d been back since around two. Dinner was supposed to be served by now. Lance was probably starving.

  She was out of the cottage in seconds and heading for the house. Knowing him, he had probably peeped in on her, seen her working, and gone back to his office. She cut across the terrace to the loggia and opened the back door leading to the kitchen and came to an abrupt halt. The aroma of grilled meat made her mouth water, but she couldn’t believe who was standing at the stove.

  Lance, his shirtsleeves rolled up, an apron around his waist, stood over the grill on the stove with tongs in his hand. “Lance.”

  His gaze jerked toward her, then back to the grill. “The meat thermometer says it’s done.”

  “Good. Place the pork tenderloins in the oval serving dish to your right.”

  Fallon recognized Carmen’s voice coming from the phone. She was on speaker. What shocked Fallon more was Lance placing the meat on the platter. What was going on?

  “Done, and we have company.”

  “Miss Marshall, would you excuse us so Lance can finish cooking?”

  Fallon’s gaze went from the food to Lance, whose gaze kept skittering away.

  “Has she gone?”

  “She’s still here.”

  “Miss Marshall, if you please.”

  “Can I help?” Lance didn’t know how to cook.

  “No. I have it under control.”

  It certainly looked like it. Fallon reached for the doorknob. “It smells good, and I bet it tastes even better.”

  He finally looked at her. “Carmen assured me there are antacids in the cabinet.”

  “We won’t need them. I’ll be in the cottage waiting for your call.” Fallon opened the kitchen door.

  He nodded and said, “What’s next?”

  There was a slight pause. Fallon slowly closed the door, hoping to hear what Carmen obviously dreaded.

  “You have to take the cheesecake out of the pan, flip it onto a cake plate, put more graham crackers on the side, and garnish it.”

  Fallon didn’t have to see Lance to know he hadn’t taken the news well. His groan said it all.

  * * *

  Lance stared down at the raspberries and strawberries on top of the cheesecake and smiled. It didn’t look half-bad. The graham crackers on the sides weren’t even. Somehow he’d stuck his thumb in the sides a couple of places, but it tasted good—thanks to the thumb incidents he’d licked the cheesecake off.

  The timer went off. He placed the cheesecake back in the refrigerator, took the dinner rolls out of the oven, and upended the pan into the bread basket Carmen had left. If she hadn’t marinated the meat, prepared the vegetables for him to grill, and left service dishes, he would have been lost. He’d tasted the pork tenderloin. It wasn’t bad. There was no way he was going to let Fallon get sick eating poorly cooked or bad-tasting food.

  He picked up the phone and called Fallon’s cell phone. Once he put the bread in the oven, Carmen had finally agreed to hang up. All of the family was there with her mother-in-law, and Francisco understood how important the dinner was. He’d even come online a couple of times to ask Lance how it was going. He realized they’d moved beyond employee-employer to friends.


  “Dinner is ready. I just have to set the table.”

  “Already done with dishes from the cottage. I’m just outside the door. I’ll help you carry everything out.”

  Lance hung the phone up just as Fallon came into the kitchen and straight to him.

  She swallowed. “You are wonderful to do this for me. Every time I think you can’t surprise me more or make me feel special, you do.” She stepped back. “What should I do to help?”

  “How about a kiss?”

  She didn’t hesitate to wrap her warm arms around his neck and press her soft curves against his body, press her hot mouth against his. His arms brought her closer as his mouth devoured hers. Her tongue explored the recesses of his mouth, tempting him to lay her on the floor and take her hot and hard. With a strength he didn’t know he had, he eased her away.

  “We better stop before my brain overloads,” he said, his voice rough.

  “Same here. What happened to Carmen?” she asked.

  He told Fallon about Carmen’s mother-in-law falling. “She’s just bruised, but Francisco wanted to be with her.”

  “That’s understandable. It’s his mother.”

  All mothers weren’t deserving of love and devotion, Lance thought, but he wasn’t going there. “You grab the bread and vegetables, and I’ll get the rest. Carmen left a big tray.” Together, they got the food outside. Fallon insisted on serving him; then she said grace. Anxious, Lance watched her place the first bit of pork into her mouth.

  “Delicious.” She speared a grilled mushroom, then a tomato from her marinated salad. “Lance, I think you missed your calling. Everything is scrumptious.”

  He was surprised how pleased and proud he felt. “Carmen marinated everything and talked me though it.”

  “But you had to do the actual cooking.” She cut into her meat. “It couldn’t have been easy.”

  He shrugged and finally picked up his knife and fork. “You deserved a good meal, and I didn’t think you’d want to go back out.”

  “You’re right.” She plucked a roll from the bread basket. “I can’t imagine a more wonderful dinner.”

  “There’s one thing.” He came to his feet. “Excuse me for a moment.” Grinning all the way, he went to get the cheesecake. Who said you had to wait for dessert or cut it a certain way? He grabbed a knife from the cutting block, a couple of saucers, and went back out. “Close your eyes.”

  “Is it what I think it is?”

  “Maybe.” He was grinning like a kid with a new bike. “Open.”

  Fallon opened her eyes, then gasped. “It’s beautiful.”

  Lance placed the garnished cheesecake on the table, cut out a large slice, and set it by her plate. “Take a bite.”

  Fallon cut into the cheesecake with her fork and lifted it to Lance’s mouth. “You first.”

  His lips closed over the fruit topping. “Carmen’s quite a cook if I can’t mess it up.” Taking Fallon’s fork, he fed her a bite.


  “Just like you.” He shook his head, took his seat, and picked up his fork. “How did the writing on the article go?”

  “I finished it.”

  “Good. The one you did on the auction was fantastic.” He picked up his glass. “You’re a wonderful writer.”

  Pleasure spread across her face. “I like what I do and I hope it shows in the writing. I have several more to finish before I fly to Playa del C

  He placed the glass on the table without drinking. Giving up what you enjoyed doing wasn’t easy. “So you’re still going?”


  Lance picked up his fork, but he no longer felt like eating. She was leaving him, and there was nothing he could do to stop her.

  “You know they recommend a diving partner, someone you trust to go down with you.” She speared an asparagus, chewed. “You interested?”

  His head lifted. He stared at her across the table. She read him too easily, but for once he was glad. “You’re not going scuba diving.”

  “How do you plan to stop me?” she challenged, switching to eating cheesecake.

  There was only one way and they both knew it. But even if he went, he wasn’t sure she’d listen. The important thing was that she wanted him with her. He cut into his tenderloin. “I’ll think of something when the time comes.”

  Fallon laughed. “You can try, but my money is on me. My father called me strong willed.”

  She was certainly that, but she was also incredibly giving and she lit up Lance’s life as nothing had before. “We’ll see about that.”

  “I plan to go home first to see my family and find a doctor,” she said slowly.

  “I want to be there when you tell them about the baby.” His eyes narrowed. “Megan already doesn’t like me. She won’t make it easy for either of us.”

  “Probably.” Fallon pulled her cheesecake in front of her. “But I like you, and so will Mother.”

  Fallon had said the words that meant so much to him so easily. “You want another slice?” Only fragments remained on her plate. When she didn’t answer he cut another slice and put it on her plate. “You don’t want Carmen to think you didn’t like it.”

  “You shouldn’t tempt me this way.”

  “It’s the only way I can tempt you,” he murmured.

  Fallon cocked her head. “I wouldn’t be so sure about that. You’re a hard man to resist.”

  He was definitely hard all right. Sleeping together in the same bed tonight would test his control to the limits, but he’d do whatever it took to keep Fallon’s trust and be with her.

  * * *

  Fallon tried to act casual as they walked back to the cottage after cleaning up the kitchen. She couldn’t quite manage. The kiss they shared had made her tremble with desire. She tried to push the need to the back of her mind, but it kept coming back.

  A secretive glance at Lance, his shoulders hunched, his hands in the pockets of his slacks, and she knew he was experiencing the same problem. Usually neat, he’d untucked his shirt when they began clearing the table. The reason was obvious: he was trying to hide his growing desire.

  Sleeping together tonight wasn’t a good idea—unless they planned to do more than just sleep.

  Lance opened the door and Fallon entered the cottage. She didn’t stop until she was in the master bedroom.

  Lance looked everywhere but at her. “I think I’ll take a walk. You go to bed. I’ll be back.”

  She touched him on the shoulder as he turned away. He looked down at her. She saw desire swirling in the black depths of his eyes, but she also saw tenderness and caring. Even before they’d made love, he’d gone out of his way to please her. Tonight, he’d spent hours on the phone cooking so she wouldn’t be disappointed. He’d shown her he cared so many times, that it wasn’t just sex, just as he was doing now.

  “I don’t think a walk will fix what’s bothering you.” She slid her arms around his neck. His eyes widened; his hands bracketed her waist. Perhaps she was the one who should show she had faith in him. “Let’s see if this will.”

  His hands on her shoulders stopped her. “I-I’m on the edge here. If I kiss you I don’t know if I can stop.”

  “I don’t want you to stop.”

  His eyes shut tightly, then opened. “You just started feeling better. Maybe—”

  “Maybe you should stop talking and kiss me.” She grinned. “I’ll be gentle with you. Promise. Let me show you.” She leaned forward and pressed her lips against his.

  With a shaky groan, he pulled her to him. She fitted her softness to his hardness. The gentle kiss heated and mating tongues became demanding. His arms tightened around her, bringing her closer, as if he was starved for the taste of her.

  He kissed her as if he’d never get enough. She kissed him back the same way. This was what she wanted, what she needed.

  His head lifted, his breathing labored, his gaze searing. She trembled. Only this man could scatter her thoughts and fill her heart with love.

  Reaching around her, he grabbed the comforter and flung it aside. Clothes were quickly cast aside. Taking her in his arms again, he placed her on the bed, then followed her down. His mouth fitted itself to hers. His hands tenderly caressed and stroked her breasts, her stomach. She squirmed beneath him.

  His hands explored the soft curves of her body, his lips following. He’d never needed anything more than to make this woman his forever. His lips brushed against her nipple, causing her to arch and moan.

  Slowly his hands skimmed downward, past her thigh and back up to her woman’s softness. She twisted restlessly against him, her hands clutching his shoulders.

  He slid his hand under her hips and brought them together. Her legs wrapped around his waist, and she buried her face in the crook of his neck. Together they found the slow tempo and moved their bodies in perfect harmony.

  Again and again he surged in and out of her until they went over together. She gasped and clung to him in ecstasy. He clung to her for a long moment before finally having the strength to roll to one side, taking her with him.

  “Are you all right?” he asked.

  “Better than all right.” Her words were breathy. She kissed him on the shoulder.

  “You’re right. That definitely beat a walk.” His breath shuddered in and out, but he had a smile on his face. His hand stroked up and down her sweat-dampened back.

  A pleased smile on her face, she climbed on top of him. Her finger traced the lower curve of his lip. “I’m always right.”

  Chuckling, he shook his head, then framed her face with his hands. His face grew serious. “I want this to work between us. I’m trying to find my way. I don’t have any parameters or experience to go by.” He blew out a breath. “If I get it wrong a time or two, give me a swift kick, but please don’t walk away.”

  If she hadn’t been in love all the way, she would be now. He needed her and was still afraid that she’d walk away as others had. He couldn’t see that he had her, that all he had to do was forget the past and let himself love her.


  She saw the uncertainty in his face and leaned over to kiss him. “I told you, I fight for what I want.”

  His eyes closed briefly. “You have me.”

  Not in the way she wanted, but she prayed that would come. Her hands closed around his manhood, felt it pulse and expand. Air hissed though his gritted teeth. “I certainly do. Now, let’s see what I can do with you.”

  * * *

  Lance woke up with a smile and made sure Fallon had one as well. He kissed her awake, made sure her nausea was gone, then loved her slowly, completely. Afterward they made love in the shower. She was her old playful self. By the time they left the cottage for the main house, it was close to nine.

  Carmen was in the kitchen. Francisco had come to work as well. Lance and Fallon were happy to learn Ms. Fuente was doing better. Carmen’s mother-in-law was sore that morning, but thankfully she had no broken bones.

  Before they took their seats for breakfast, Fallon praised both Carmen and Lance for the wonderful meal the night before. Carmen graciously gave the credit to Lance. He gave the credit back to her. “My skills are limited.”

  “I wouldn’t say that,” Fallon said with a straight face.

  Lance was glad the orange juice wasn’t in his mouth. He placed the glass aside. Fallon certainly made life better. He planned to take every opportunity to be wit
h her. “Carmen, do you think you could fix a picnic basket for us for lunch?”

  “Yes, Mr. Saxton,” she said. “This time, I’ll do all the cooking.”

  Fallon’s eyes had widened with delight. “I haven’t been on a picnic since I was a little girl.”

  “Then it will be my pleasure to take you.”

  Chapter 16

  Not only did Lance take Fallon on a picnic, but over the next few days he took her on a tour of places outside of Santa Fe that she had missed. It was fun being with her, seeing her smile. He looked forward to the night, when they would make love and she would go to sleep in his arms. At the same time he dreaded it because it meant her time of being with him was winding down. He planned to go with her to Playa del Carmen, but what happened after that?

  Sitting on the deep-cushioned seat of the outdoor bench near the pool Friday afternoon, he went over his plans. “Let’s see. I’ve made all the travel arrangements to Austin, including a hotel, and booked a seat on the flight you’re taking to Playa del Carmen. Did I leave anything out?”

  “No, but I don’t want your business to suffer because you’re with me,” she told him.

  He twisted his head to look at her. “It’s not. My people can work independently or I wouldn’t have hired them. I was here off and on for weeks preparing for the Yates auction and the auction house got along well without me.”

  “Still, I worry.”

  He kissed her hand. He kind of liked that she cared enough to worry about him. “Well, don’t. I have this covered. Maybe it would help you feel better if you visited the auction house. I’d like to introduce you to the employees, in any case. What do you say we go Monday?”


  “We could spend the day or a couple of days there, whatever you like,” he coaxed. He wanted her involved in every facet of his life. She needed to know how important she was to him.

  “I’m not sure I have anything appropriate to wear,” she finally said.

  Lance barely kept from pumping his fist in triumph. “We can go into town this afternoon and get whatever you need.”

  “You need to work on the auction,” she told him. “I can drive myself.”